Monday, January 28, 2008

Cookie Monsters, Anniversaries & Questions

First off, I have to wish my parents a Happy 42nd Anniversary! Congratulations on 42 great years together!! I hope you get to spend a wonderful day together and go out and celebrate.

When I woke up this morning, I started my daily routine by going downstairs to get my coffee and let the dog out. I turned the light on in the kitchen and noticed that the Cookie Monster had paid a visit during the night. I made a huge batch of Chocolate Chip cookies yesterday to take to work today. And it seemed that at some point a little boy went downstairs to have some cookies because the lid to the cookie container was no longer any where near the container of cookies. My formerly soft cookies were well on their way to being stale. I was not happy. So I took a layer of stale-ish cookies off the top and put them in the Cookie Monster's lunch for today.

And today is Monday... time for Question of the Week! In honor of this week's "Turn off the TV Week", here's the question:

Q: If you had to give up your computer and your TV at home, what would you do for entertainment?

My Answer: I would play board games, do puzzles, bake, have friends over, go for walks, and possibly write that novel I've always wanted to write! (Although a computer would really help with that!)


Beth in NEPA said...

Thanks for the wishes. Can hardly believe it is 42 years. I surely am not old enough to have been married that long. We had a couple of great kids along the way!!! And they gave us 4 terrific grandkids.

As to the question of the week, I would read, sew, work on doll houses, do some art. (I would not clean house) I would not be bored... but would definitely suffer from the computer withdrawal. I wouldn't miss the tv that much.

Anonymous said...

Read, read, read, read, read. And read.

rb said...

i would paint.. and perhaps read from the stack of books that i have piling up. but i would also stay longer and go into work early to get my internet/computer fix. (maybe even the library)