Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Turn Off the TV Week

Alex brought home a pamphlet from school regarding "Turn off the TV Week". Apparently next week (Mon-Fri only) they are asking that kids not watch tv. I agree to a point that kids these days watch too much tv and play too many video games in front of the tv. However, TV is my bread and butter! It pays my bills and puts food on my table. Without tv, I would not have a job. Well, at least not a job as neat as the one I have. And do you think that the "officials" who invented "Turn off the TV Week" understand that next week is the first week of sweeps? Do they not know that the season premiere of LOST is next Thursday?? They couldn't possibly know or they would have scheduled this for another week.

I almost feel like I should complain to the school district and ask for some sort of compensation. They're taking away viewers from my place of employment, thus taking away ratings and possibly reducing my income or even worse, eliminating my position! Without my job, I would not be able to pay school taxes. Which in turn would not be good for the children. I wonder if we should do a "Turn ON the TV Week" instead. Hmm... I somehow doubt that would go over very well. So for now, we will do as we're told. We will turn off the tv, play some board games, read a book or go build a snowman. God forbid we get a snow day next week... whatever would the children do all day.


rb said...

you're going to lift the ban for the premiere of LOST though, right? i mean. come on...

Amanda said...

Well.... maybe.... I'll be watching it anyway! :)

miftik said...

You should send a letter and encourage them to support a spend time with your child week, not just turn off the tv.

My niece doesn't watch much TV. She reads a lot, but she also loves her computer. Maybe parents can actually watch TV with their kids. :D

Anonymous said...

I watched a crap-load of TV when I was a kid, and I'm still an addict. I'm neither stupid nor obese. Probably because I had good parents.

Anonymous said...

"Turn off the TV week" was originally designed to get the chillun's out to play during their summer vacation. Leave it to NY: ignore the original purpose (promoting healthy outdoor activity in nice weather), and send the wee ones out for February frostbite. I hope at least a couple of lawsuits result.


Anonymous said...

I love TV. I will never not watch it. I'd rather go hungry than not have Cable. And I think I'm doing A-OK with my life! TV is not evil!

Beth in NEPA said...

Moderation in all things is a good code to live by. A bit of tv watching will not hurt anyone. Too much of anything, even playing out in freezing temps can hurt.

I did work in television for many years and it helped send my kids to college...... so it isn't all bad.