Monday, October 6, 2008


I moved my blog to a new home.... please update your readers, bookmarks and feeds or you'll miss all my new amazing blog posts! The new blog is here.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm moving!

But don't worry. It doesn't require packing boxes, hiring movers or any other stressful activity. I'm only moving my blog to a new place. I'll explain it all here. I hope you'll check it out!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Chock Full O' Nuts

I'm getting really frustrated that the price of everything is just going up and up and up. My latest frustration is with coffee. Not even a year ago, my favorite coffee, 8 O'Clock brand Hazelnut Coffee was only $2.49 a bag. This past weekend it was up to $4.79 a bag. That is a huge increase and I refuse to pay that much. So I grabbed a can (yes, a can) of Maxwell House coffee for $2.49. I've been drinking it every morning and slowly getting used to the plain old coffee taste. I'm not sure if it's the plain coffee taste or if the coffee isn't as good, but it's definitely not the same. But I'll drink it. The effect is the same, it wakes me up and gets me going in the morning. When this runs out, we're going to try Chock Full O' Nuts. It's about the same price as the Maxwell House.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hot Beef Sundae... on Sunday

Last month, I posted an entry about the "Hot Beef Sundae" from the NY State Fair. Well, a couple of weeks ago, we attempted to create the tasty entree at home and it was a huge success! So tonight, we're having it again. I think it might become part of our regular menu now. It's super easy to make. I used a Top Round Roast, and put it in the crock pot for the day cooking on low with some beef broth. Mash some potatoes, add a dollop of sour cream, sprinkle some shredded cheese on top and and you have yourself a meal. We also made some baby carrots last time as our side veggie, and that went very well with the Sundae.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I figured out one more thing that I love. Free Things. I discovered a blog written by a guy who searches the web everyday to find legitimate deals. is the site. I highly recommend it. 

From the "HeyItsFree" site, there are links to many other sites with freebie offers. Here's another good one: TotallyFreeCrap. I love this one too. I just sent off for free Head & Shoulders shampoo, Bertolli's sauce and Betty Crocker Potatoes. (To get the Betty Crocker Potatoes, you have to sign up for a newsletter, but that includes great recipes, so it's like 2 Freebies in 1!)
Anyone else have any great Freebie sites they'd like to share?? 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Things I Love.

This will hopefully be much easier than yesterdays "hate" blog! At least I'm thinking it will be. So here goes... the things I love:


1. I love my son. He's taught me so much, especially about unconditional love. And geography. And Star Wars. And football. And video games...

2. I love my husband. I would have put him first, but he understands that the kids always come first. That's one of the MANY things I love about him!

3. I love my family and friends. And I know I don't tell them that often enough.

4. I love Fall. I was a little negative about it yesterday, only because it leads into winter. But I sure do love Fall. I love apple crisp, baking, the leaves changing color, the cool air, cuddling up in a blanket to keep warm. I love contrast of the color of leaves against a big blue sky. I love all that is Fall.

5. I love Summer. I love the beach, wearing shorts & sandals, the smell of fresh cut grass and just being outside.

6. I love scented candles. And if you know me, you know I always have one burning in the house. A nice pleasant scent in the air makes me happy.

7. I love the Red Sox. And I love that they just made the playoffs again for the 5th time in 6 seasons. I also love that my son doesn't know the misery that my generation and the generations before me felt for those 86 years of not winning a World Series. (I also love that the Yankees failed to make the playoffs for the first time in 13 years!)

8. I love Dunkin Donuts Vanilla Spice coffee. Hot or iced. Day or night.

9. I love the smell of lilacs in the spring. And I am thrilled that our new house has a lilac bush in the front yard!


I know there are a million more things that I love. But that's it for now! Everyone that has a blog, try to make a list of things you love or leave some comments here. It's guaranteed to make you feel good.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things I Hate.

I read an "I hate..." blog this morning and it got me thinking about all the things that I hate, or strongly dislike. Since, as the Blogger stated "Hate is a strong word." I've never done an "I hate..." blog. Sure, I've had complaints, but I've never made outright lists of things that I hate. So I thought today I would try it! If you keep a blog, try it, maybe it will be therapeutic. Or if nothing else, maybe it will be slightly amusing for our readers.

1. Even though I love Fall, I hate that it's getting colder and darker. And I hate winter, so just knowing that winter is right around the corner makes me very sad. (Hey, that's 3 hates in one! I think I might be a little too good at this.)

2. I hate the Yankees. (That doesn't need any explanation.)

3. I hate money. Well, I love money, but I hate worrying about money, not having enough of it and all the stress that comes with it.

4. I hate taxes. And boy, in NY state, we sure have our share of them. I won't get into it, but I seriously want to know where all of my money is really going. I would like someone to send me an itemized list, because I'm pretty sure I could do a better job at dispersing it. And it doesn't include putting up over-paid politicians in fancy hotels or paying for someone's steak and seafood dinner who didn't even invite me to join them. (In case you were wondering, that's apparently where our cell phone's 9-1-1 tax is going...) I won't even get into the missing $24 million from our town's school tax. And why are we not getting a refund/credit from that??

5. I hate aggressive/mean drivers. You know who you are. You're the one who's always in a hurry, the one who thinks they own the road, the one who's driving that gigantic SUV, wasting all that gas... and for what? No reason. At least not a very good reason.

6. Speaking of gas. I hate that too. At least the price of it and how it's regulated. Why did our gas prices just go up again when the price of oil went way down? When this whole time they've been saying it's been going up because the price of oil went up. Something is not right here. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to figure that out. How many billions of dollars did all the oil companies make in profits this year? Hmm. Yeah, something is fishy there.

7. And finally, I hate the all the stores already have all their Christmas displays/decorations up.  It's only September!! I refuse to buy anything Christmas related until Thanksgiving is over.

There. That's it! I'm sure there's more, but boy, it's kind of depressing thinking so negatively! Tomorrow I will post a list of things I love.