Friday, January 4, 2008

The Dog Ate It

I love my slippers. The moment I step in my house and out of my shoes, I slip into my comfy slippers. They keep my feet warm and keep my socks from wearing out too. They're the best.

Well, last night I got ready for bed as usual. I put my jammies on, left the slippers next to the bed so they would be there in the morning, and then I put my clothes in the laundry basket and climbed into bed. Well, this morning while the poor dog was trying to get me out of bed so she could go outside, I could only find one slipper. Immediately I blamed the dog.

"Where's my other slipper, Jenny??"

Blank stare.

"Where did you put it??"

Blank stare and a non-tail wag.

I looked under the bed, under the chair, in the closet, in the hall, in the bathroom... upstairs, downstairs, in the kitchen, in the living room... anywhere the dog could have stashed it. It was nowhere to be found. So I went on about my morning. Let the dog out, got my coffee. I hopped around on one foot because the kitchen floor felt like an ice rink to my bare foot.

After I got my coffee, I let Jenny back in and went back up to my room to watch the news and start getting ready for the day. I asked Jenny a few more times where she put my slipper. But continued to get her trademark blank stare. I looked in her crate, behind the bathroom door, under the blankets on my bed. I looked EVERYWHERE. It was gone. I was starting to think that maybe she ate it.

It had to be somewhere! I was wearing them last night. So I back-tracked my evening. I got undressed, put on my jammies, put my laundry in the hamper... hmmm... put my laundry in the hamper. I went to the laundry basket and wa-la! There was my slipper, all tucked into the pants I had taken off last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you blamed poor Jenny!