Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Sign of Summer

On this 2nd day of January that is all of 8 degrees outside, I have a sure sign that summer will be here before we know it. We got our Cape Cod cottage rental agreement in the mail today! Woo hoo!! We reserved the same cottage that we stayed in last summer on the day we left in August. It seemed like it would be forever before we would be back. Well, we're almost half-way there! Now to come up with the money for the rental... hmmm....


elle m kay said...

where is the cottage? I love the cape and stay in Sandwich with my family every summer. I've often considered renting a place for some friends.

Amanda said...

Hey LK... the cottage we go to is in Sandwich! Let me know if you want the name of the rental company. We've used them a couple of times, they're great!