Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another Quiet One

It looks like it's going to be another quiet weekend for us. And there's no football. Alex is already feeling the loss. We stopped at the grocery store last night and Alex got sucked into the Super Bowl display. They had a large flat screen tv that was playing highlights from previous Super Bowls. He immediately stopped to watch and wouldn't budge. So I left him there in the midst of giant cases of Coors Light and jumbo bags of potato chips to finish my shopping. I returned later to see the 1997 Super Bowl highlights where the Packers beat the Patriots. We left the store after that. But Alex was pleased that he got a football-fix.

On another note, I thought I would share this yummy tidbit. My friend Sharon brought in special coffee to work yesterday for a nice Friday afternoon treat. She ground it at home and added a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg to the grounds. I have to say it was the absolute best cup of coffee I have ever had. And it smelled wonderful in the break room too. I tried it this morning and while it wasn't as perfect as hers, it was still quite tasty. I think I will continue this practice of adding cinnamon and nutmeg to my coffee grounds from now on. It only takes a little, but boy is it gooo-oood!

We're still discussing options for our summer vacation. I think I will do some research this weekend while things are quiet. I was looking at cruises yesterday... hmmm...

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