Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Meme.

Ok... here we go. I don't think last week's question went over very well. I guess not everybody sat for hours during their youth day-dreaming about being in the Olympics! I'll be a little more generic this time.

Here's the question:
What is your most despised household chore?

Mine is vacuuming. It's big, heavy and I have to drag it out of the closet, and then up and down the stairs. I hate it. And now that I have a dog that sheds excessively, vacuuming is even more of a pain. I have to empty the bag-less vacuum at least twice during one run through the house.


rb said...

:) i hate vacuuming too! that would be my number 1. i think it's because my mom used to have this "rainbow" machine that needed to be assembled each time, it must have had 4 pieces, it looked like r2d2, you had to put water in it.. it was horrible. forget taking it upstairs. i think our bedrooms on the 2nd floor were vacuummed once a year. :)

Anonymous said...

Me too! Vacuuming is the pits...and I don't like the loud noise.

Anonymous said...

Household chore???......ummmmm.....paying the mortgage.

Beth in NEPA said...

I haven't found many household chores I like at all. I do like to cook. I hate most of the rest. I agree whole heartedly about vacuuming.