Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I need a hobby.

Ok, it's time. I need something to do. I come home at night and I do the usual things. Eat dinner, clean the house, watch tv, surf the internet. But I don't do anything real useful or exciting. I need a passion! Eric has photography. He spends his spare time creating masterpieces and even makes money from his hobby. Alex loves sports. He spends time drawing logos, writing articles, researching sports. I have nothing. I used to scrapbook. I lost that interest years ago. It was fun, but it's also expensive. Same with rubberstamping. And other crafts. Anyone have any fun ideas for me??

Speaking of hobbies... if anyone wants to play Alex's NCAA pool at CBSSportsline... drop me a note. I'll send you an invite. It's for bragging rights only, no money needed. He loves a good friendly competition. (You need to sign up by Thursday at 11am.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take up the hobby of miniature dollhouse/roomboxes? It is a wonderful and exciting hobby. It can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you care to make it.

Vice Oz of the Highest Order
Official Inspector of Carpet Weaves and Ceiling Details
Queen of Unpainted/Painted Metals