Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Hamill Camel

I've been reading Dorothy Hamill's book, "A Skating Life" this week. (Checked out of the library of course.) And I just finished it last night. One interesting tidbit I found out was where Dorothy first started skating. She lived in Connecticut, near Greenwich. So one of the closest places to skate was the ice rink at Rye Playland. Many of you might not think that's terribly interesting, but to me and my family, it's kind of neat! My brother and his family live in Rye. And that's where my niece and nephew have taken ice skating lessons. Maybe little Katie will be the next Dorothy...

"A Skating Life" was an interesting book. I only vaguely remember the 1976 Olympics. It wasn't until 1980 that the Olympics really started to mean something to me. But of course we have all heard of Dorothy Hamill. Especially her fun haircut, which was sadly something I could never have with my crazy curly hair.

So I need to thank Robin for her suggestion for my new hobby. It seems that reading has taken up quite a bit of my time this past week! Last night was the first time in I can't remember how long, that I didn't even turn on the computer. I didn't even feel any withdrawals either.

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