Monday, March 3, 2008

Fone Fun

I got a new cell phone. Well, I got it about a week ago. Then I realized it was a piece of junk. Or at least the one I was sent was a piece of junk. (I'm not having much luck with electronic devices lately!) Anyway, the camera didn't work, the picture was horrible. You couldn't preview the ringtones and the screen was pretty much unreadable. So they sent me a new one, which I got today. I transferred all my numbers tonight. (I hadn't bothered to do this with the other "new" one since I knew it was going back.) I'm hoping this one will last awhile. My other phone lasted 2 years, it was a decent phone. This phone (as all the phones I've ever had) was free, with a 2-year contract.

This is my 3rd time renewing a 2-year contract with what used to be Cingular. I like my plan, it's basic and cheap. Which is all I need. And nobody else offers what I have at the price I have, so I'll stay with Cingular... err AT&T... whatever they are now. They were nice enough to waive the "upgrade" fee after I had problems with the first pink phone. Although, I'm not sure why I had to pay an upgrade fee in the first place, I didn't upgrade. I just signed up for another 2-years.

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