Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Say Cheese!

I started the search for a replacement for the Elph. I'm not looking to spend much, but I don't want a piece of garbage either. We went to Sears this evening to see what they had and this one caught my eye... it was on sale for $119. I saw it on the Target website for $129.

It's not spectacular, but it would certainly fill my needs. (Photos for the blog/email and small enough to fit in my purse...) So that's really all I'm looking for. If I need good photos of something, I'll have Eric the Photographer take them! I'll keep looking for a couple of days and probably decide this weekend.

On my way to work today, I was sporting the sunglasses and noticing how brown everything was. Yes, brown. Not white. There was no snow on the ground. In February. It was wonderful. I got to thinking that since March is next week, maybe we're almost done with winter! Boy, was I wrong. As we were leaving the mall tonight, it started snowing. It's been snowing for the last 2 hours now. The car is tucked safely in the garage and the heat is turned up. I'm getting ready to go get cozy under the covers and finish watching American Idol.

Oh, but first I have to give RB an official "Happy Birthday!". I didn't update the blog yesterday and should have said it then! Here's a photo from our celebratory lunch at Rico's.... Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

rb said...

awww. thanks!! and thank you for lunch!