Saturday, February 9, 2008

3rd Time is a Charm

It took 3 tries to successfully get a pee sample from the dog. I was truly expecting to have no success at all. But perhaps I didn't give her enough credit.

The first attempt took place early this morning. Still dressed in my orange and red flannel jammie bottoms, slippers and a bright orange fleece, I had Jenny by the leash in one hand and a little tin pie pan in the other. It was cold and flurries were in the air. She was not happy that I was following her so closely. She took a very long time to get down to business and kept looking at me with a "What do you want??" look in her eyes as I continued to follow her around. She finally went, but I was far too slow on the draw and only got a couple of drops in the pan.

The second time we had better success. I decided to wait until she had to go REALLY bad so we wouldn't be out so long. (It's cold out there!) It was a good plan as she went fairly quickly, I was much smoother on the pan-slide under the rear-end trick and managed a teaspoon or so.

We still needed a little more, so I tried a 3rd time. I was right there with the pie pan as she began her squat. I got several tablespoons worth of specimen and we were officially done.

Hopefully all she has is a UTI, we will get some anti-biotics and be on our way. I'm sure my neighbors will appreciate not having to see me traipsing around the backyard in my orange plaid jammies chasing the dog.

In other news, Alex emerged this morning wearing his Laurence Maroney jersey. I do believe the official mourning period is over. He simply stated "It's time." That it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd look at you weird if you came after me with a pie pan while I was peeing too.