Thursday, February 7, 2008

Grease Monkey

I got an oil change on my lunch break today. I headed over to the Valvoline Instant Oil Change near the place that I work. I like them. They get you in and out usually within 20 minutes. Today was no different in that regard. However, the experience with one of the attendants annoyed me to no end. Her name was Dawn. My biggest problem with her was when she came by to greet me and find out what service I needed. This is pretty much how the conversation went:

Dawn: Hi.
Me: Hi. I'd like an oil change, please.
Dawn: Ok. (She grabs a pamphlet.) Um, we have this really good synthetic oil. (She points to the picture of the can of oil on the top of the chart.) Would you like to have that? It's $69.99.
Me: That's ok. I'd just like to have the cheapest oil please.
Dawn: Oh. Well, the synthetic oil is the best. How much driving do you do?
Me: I really just want the cheapest oil.
Dawn: Because I do a lot of stop and start driving and I would really recommend this synthetic oil.
Me: That's ok. What's the cheapest oil that you have?
Dawn: (Looking at the pamplet.) Um, we have this other semi-synthetic oil. It's also very good. (She points the the 3rd can of oil on the list.) This one is $49.99.
Me: Is that your cheapest?
Dawn: Um, no. We don't really recommend that one.
Me: You don't recommend your cheapest oil?
Dawn: Uh, no. We don't really recommend using that one.
Me: What's wrong with it?
Dawn: Oh, nothing. It's our conventional oil.
Me: Isn't that what I've used every other time I've come here?
Dawn: (She turned to look at my chart.) Um, yeah. (Giggle) But I would really have to recommend that you use a synthetic oil.
Me: How much is the conventional oil?
Dawn: $31.99
Me: I'll take that.
Dawn: Ok...

Later she brought over my mostly white air filter and tried to get me to spend another $21.99 on a new one. My car is only 18 months old. I think the air filter was just fine. I also believe that the conventional motor oil is perfectly fine. I have a simple 4-cylinder vehicle. I don't need fancy, expensive oil. And besides, if it really wasn't any good, then they wouldn't be selling it.


Anonymous said...

Idiot. And if you really needed an air filter you could mozey on down to the local NAPA and pick one up for abotu $10. If you can pop your hood, you can put in an air filter.

Beth in NEPA said...

You know that girl gets "commission" for all that extra baloney she sells.
Remember when you used to get points or something if you convinced a customer to buy a shrimp cocktail or something at Millers..... LOL

Amanda said...

Oh I remember the Shrimp Cocktail "contest". Sell the most and win $50. I won. Guess how? I never once asked if they wanted one. I left them alone. They ordered them simply because they wanted them. I only did that to prove a point, and I won! I never did tell Mr. Miller that though... they probably would have taken the $50 back!