Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday Meme Fun

Thanks for everybody who participated last week! Maybe more will join this week. Don't be shy!! Here is the question for this week:

What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child?

My Answer: I had many favorites, but the ol' Atari 2600 certainly stands out as one of the best. The fun my friends and I had with that game system was endless. Space Invaders, Pac Man, Asteroids. All classic video games and I had them all hooked up to the old console TV in my bedroom... those were the days!


rb said...

the presents that we got (there were three of us, we almost always got everything in triplicate) that i remember most clearly were the time we got monchichis. it was such a surprise. maybe cause our parents told us "santa" couldn't bring them to us all those weeks leading up to xmas.

Beth in NEPA said...

I could say a doll like my Terri Lee or Ginny but really the Christmas gifts that stand out came the year I asked for and got a printing press... child size and a parking garage. I know... weird. Now my favorite toys are dolls and dollhouses but in those days.... hmmmmm.....

Oh yeah, I also remember well the Christmas I got my diamond.... but of course I wasn't a "child" then.
But a very happy young lady.

Your fathers favorite was a bike.... however it came in a really snowy year and he had to use it in the sun room until spring. He finally got to go out and ride it in March.

Anonymous said...

My parents were pretty good...I got so many cool gifts that I can't pick a favorite! Probably anything Strawberry Shortcake or Barbie. That was always a hit.

Anonymous said...

I got a drumset (real drums, not a playset). BUT they didn't arrive until a couple of weeks after Christmas. I knew they were coming, so it was a looooooong, painful wait.