Friday, November 23, 2007

My plumber dad and other things to be thankful for.

Sleepy mom.
Thanksgiving is always a nice, relaxing day. Smelling the wonderful smells. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes... Watching the parades and football games on tv. Hanging out with family. It's just a nice day all around.

Eric pouring drinks.

Our Thanksgiving was not that different than every other Thanksgiving. Well, minus the huge clog I was able to achieve in the kitchen sink. I was peeling the potatoes, cutting the squash... and then I decided to shove all the peels and squash seeds down the garbage disposal. All at the same time. And turn it on. It ran, and ran, and ran... and nothing happened. So I ran it again. And again. Still nothing but churning water in the sink. Full of regurgitated potato peels and squash insides. And whatever else was left in the disposal from the last time I used it. 2 years ago I had this same problem. And had to call a plumber. $180 later, I had all new pipes. This year, I had my dad. He got the plunger, plunged away. But nothing happened. So he got under the sink, took apart the nice new pipes and discovered the gigantic clog I had managed to create. It really was quite something. One thing though, while he was under the sink with the open pipes... for some reason, he turned on the gargabe disposal again. And that open pipe acted like a cannon. That potato peel mixture shot out of that pipe at full speed. And ended up all over the insides of my cupboard. The good news was, I had been meaning to clean out under there anyway. So I did. After dad put the pipes back together.


Plumber Dad.

The clog. (Minus, the knife.)

So with a working sink, we got dinner together and were sitting down having dinner at 4pm. It was so delicious and after about 20 minutes, we were all stuffed.


After dinner and cleanup, we had a fun little birthday party. Eric brought a beautiful birthday cake. They sang to me and I got lots of nifty gifts. Alex gave me a Yankee candle and a book in a series I've been reading. Eric gave me a Red Sox fleece, a Kohls gift card and a subscription to Rachael Ray's magazine. Mom & dad gave me the snow blower, and had a card that mom had left at home on her desk. So my birthday will extend even further since she will mail the card once she returns home. This has already been the longest birthday ever, and it isn't even until tomorrow!

The annual blowfish photo..

We're getting ready to go shopping. We debated about which store to go to at 4am, but decided to sleep instead. We're getting ready to go out now. Hopefully the 4am'ers have gone home to sleep. Eric and I were eyeing the Zune's in the flyers yesterday. Maybe that will be our gifts to each other this year... they were having quite the deals on them. Although since we slept in, I'm sure we missed them by now...


I hope that everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving and good luck with your Black Friday shopping!! The Christmas (holiday) shopping season has officially begun!


Anonymous said...

I do not think there was a need to post a picture of the clog without some kind of warning. GAG!!!!

Amanda said...

It was only fresh potato peels and squash guts!