Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Dollar Store Christmas Tree

This will be our 5th Christmas with our "Dollar Store" Christmas Tree. I'd say we've gotten our money's worth out of it. And it's not looking any worse for wear, so I'm thinking it might have another 5 years in it. I bought the tree from the Dollar General for $20. (No, it wasn't $1.) But still, $20 for a Christmas tree is quite a bargain. Of course, it's no Martha Stewart tree. But it works for us. The first time I put it up, I thought it looked kind of like the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. But after you fluff the plastic limbs, add some lights and ornaments, it doesn't look that bad. And the angel on the top finishes it off nicely. Of course, if you shut off the lights, blur the background, and add a lens flare... it helps even more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is too early! You're freaking me out!