Sunday, July 20, 2008

Treasures & Trash

It's been interesting packing up all my worldly possessions. (Again.) I've found a few things that have made me stop and reminisce. This was one of them. A box of old pins from the 80s. I used to have a giant cork board in my bedroom and these pins were displayed there. I mentioned the collection to Eric, he said I should display them again in our new house. I think I just might! I have a fun little bulletin board that would be perfect for them. I think I'll hang it above my computer in the new office. Click on the photo to see it larger. Enjoy the trip down memory lane, well at least my memory lane!


Beth in NEPA said...

It was a fun trip down memory lane. I even see a pin from MY high school in Los Angeles.... the Regents pin, and I see something from Ch. 5 too... from when you did those promos I think.
Great idea to put it up again.

Amanda said...

I was wondering what that Regents pin was!

Anonymous said...

Is that a signed Carleton Fisk pin??

Amanda said...

Yes it is! Good eye!! There's also a "Worlds Greatest Red Sox Fan" pin in there somewhere.