Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cloverfield and a Birthday Party

Eric and I finally saw "Cloverfield" today. All I knew about the movie was the it made a lot of people sick in the theatre. That and there was a monster in NYC. I can definitely see how it made people sick, even on the small screen it was difficult to watch sometimes. The "handy-cam" effect for 2 hours is a lot to ask of an audience, but I think it worked. It was a neat concept and I hate to say it, I think I liked the movie! Not sure why it was called Cloverfield though... I think I'll go to the movie website and learn more about it.

Before we watched the movie, Eric and I attended a birthday party for his um, Grand-daughter. Well, technically (biologically) he's not really a grand-father. (Thankfully, because I am REALLY not old enough to be a step-grandma!!) Eric's ex-wife had a daughter when she was much, much younger, waaaayyy before she ever knew Eric. And that daughter has daughter of her own now. And since there was never a "father" in the picture, Eric became the father when he was married to his ex-wife, and then of course, the grandfather. Anyway, the grand-daughter turned 7 today. And we attended her birthday party. She's a cute girl and loves the Jonas Brothers. So she had a Jonas Brothers cake and theme for her party. Here she is opening gifts:

And here's a picture of me and Eric. Taken by Eric, of course!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!