Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Terrible Tuesday

Yesterday wasn't the best day. Poor Alex has been having "issues" with his stomach. I fear he has inherited my terribly tummy... aka IBS. Stress, fried food, fatty food, soda, junk food... it all triggers upset stomachs. I've learned to live with it for the most part. But Alex is just starting out. We think the hot dog, nachos and french fries at the Paw Sox game put him over the edge Monday night. His stomach was already upset from whatever junk he ate over the weekend (and the added stress of the Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments), so he was living on the edge eating all that fried food at the game.

So yesterday as he rested in bed and watched tv, I did some research. I found a great website all about IBS and what to eat and what to do. And they even have special powders and concoctions you can order to relieve symptoms. I think we'll try altering the diet first before we spend lots of money on "Tummy Fiber" or "Tummy Tea". We made a small list of things and went to Wegmans. I bought him some Peppermint Tea, bananas, ingredients for smoothies, rice and white bread.

I made some delicious smoothies last night. With fresh bananas and strawberries, fat-free vanilla yogurt, some cinnamon and ice. The Magic Bullet whips up a great smoothie! And we each get our own cup, so we can make it just the way we like it.

I'm hoping his stomach has settled down so we can enjoy the rest of the vacation. Yesterday I was able to clean the garage out more and get ready for garbage day. So at least I was still productive. I'm thinking the Arby's lunch is out this week, but I'm hoping that we'll still be able to go to Nothing But Noodles... pasta is a good soluble fiber food and is on the "good" list.

1 comment:

elle m kay said...

As a fellow IBS member, I also recommend having breakfast for dinner - scrambled eggs and toast and/or cereal with a banana, just until things get "back on track" again. :)