Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Finish Line

I can see it! Finally! After all these months of preparation, stress, house hunting, stress, packing, stress and more packing and more stress... the finish line is in sight. Monday afternoon I close the deal on my townhouse. The new owners have graciously agreed to let us stay until the following morning when we close on our new house. I don't know how we did it, but we got it all to work out perfectly. The movers will be here at 8am Tuesday morning. We're hoping to be completely in the new house within 6-7 hours. They will load my house first, unload it, then head for Eric's place to do the same. It's all within a 3-4 mile radius, so the travel time will be minimal. I've used these movers before and they were fantastic.

Looking forward to being settled and enjoying our new life! We will probably be without the internet for a few days, but I'll get photos and details posted as soon as I can!

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