Sunday, July 27, 2008


We saw these clouds last night, I thought they were kind of neat. The rest of the sky was dark and grey. This was the only opening in the clouds, and it was filling in quickly.
I'll be packing up the computer this evening, so this is it for a few days. See you on the other side of the move!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Finish Line

I can see it! Finally! After all these months of preparation, stress, house hunting, stress, packing, stress and more packing and more stress... the finish line is in sight. Monday afternoon I close the deal on my townhouse. The new owners have graciously agreed to let us stay until the following morning when we close on our new house. I don't know how we did it, but we got it all to work out perfectly. The movers will be here at 8am Tuesday morning. We're hoping to be completely in the new house within 6-7 hours. They will load my house first, unload it, then head for Eric's place to do the same. It's all within a 3-4 mile radius, so the travel time will be minimal. I've used these movers before and they were fantastic.

Looking forward to being settled and enjoying our new life! We will probably be without the internet for a few days, but I'll get photos and details posted as soon as I can!

Monday, July 21, 2008


With one week to go, I'm finally starting to feel like I might actually make it. This is the living room. The staging point of the boxes. Alex and I tackled the kitchen tonight. It's just about packed up. We'll be eating with paper plates and plastic utensils now. Or going out to eat.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Treasures & Trash

It's been interesting packing up all my worldly possessions. (Again.) I've found a few things that have made me stop and reminisce. This was one of them. A box of old pins from the 80s. I used to have a giant cork board in my bedroom and these pins were displayed there. I mentioned the collection to Eric, he said I should display them again in our new house. I think I just might! I have a fun little bulletin board that would be perfect for them. I think I'll hang it above my computer in the new office. Click on the photo to see it larger. Enjoy the trip down memory lane, well at least my memory lane!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Syracuse Nationals

We took a break from packing this afternoon and went to the Syracuse Nationals. It's a huge car show at the Fairgrounds. We hear "Fonzie" was there, although we didn't get to see him.

It was very hot... and humid today. And we were very hot, and very sweaty... but it was a fun day despite the heat. We noticed there were less cars than in past years. At least it seemed that way to us. Perhaps the high price of gas kept some of the car enthusiasts away. Many car owners come from far away for the show, I would imagine it's quite pricey to keep these cars running and driving long distances in them. Anyway, if you'd like to see some of my photos from the days activities... click here. Enjoy!

The Angry, Confused Dog

I think Jenny is confused and probably a little angry at what is happening to her house. Boxes everywhere, everything out of place. Today when we returned home, we found this in the living room. Maybe she's trying to unpack to keep us from moving. Or maybe she was just looking for a DVD. I think the "Shaggy Dog" was in that box.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We love this show. It is an absolute riot and we highly recommend it! (And not just because it airs on ABC...) But it's just pure, good fun. Also, "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" is another fun one, and it airs right after "Wipeout" on Tuesdays...

Ok, free promotion over.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dumpster Diving

I think we're all set with boxes! Kelsey volunteered to go search dumpsters with me last evening. We had a blast... we each ended up actually getting inside at least one dumpster in search of boxes. She was a great help. I think our gold mine was behind a local Kinney Drug store. The dumpster even smelled nice, kind of like soap. I'm not sure how many we ended up with, but I'm pretty sure we have enough. Especially after the 40 or so I picked up at Barnes & Noble earlier in the day.

Now, the hard part. Filling them and moving. Two weeks and two days to go.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Box Hunt

Ok, it's time to get serious. I have 3 weekends left before the big move. And I need boxes. I have been getting some from work, and filling them as I get them. But boy, do I need a lot more. I hear liquor stores are good places, and dumpsters behind department stores... but if anyone else has any ideas, I'm all ears!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Big Day!

Today's the big day. The day I wait for all year. The '09 Weather Calendar is officially being handed off to the printer. The weather calendar is my big project every year and it's always a huge relief to be done with it and get it in the hands of the printer. I'm right on schedule as the calendar will need to be done for the State Fair, which begins on August 21st this year.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Alex finally got his long-awaited Nike Shox. He's been asking for these shoes for months. I told him he could get them as a "reward" for straight-A's on his report card and for "graduating" from 6th grade. So last night was the night. This is the pair he picked out, and lucky for me they were on "sale". The best part of the whole thing though was discovering that we now take the same size shoe. So once he out-grows the Shox, (which very well could be sooner rather than later at the rate he's growing) they are mine! I told him this morning as he was leaving for camp in his new shoes, that he better keep them clean. Won't I look spiffy mowing the lawn in these??

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Home Stretch

According to the initial "offer" papers, we are buying our new house on July 28th. That's 2 1/2 weeks away! I think I might be starting to get a little stressed... for several reasons. One, we don't want to discuss (Eric's house sale, err... non-sale), and the other is just the whole "getting stuff organized" thing. I've been avoiding blogging about this recently because I'm sure it bores my loyal readers.

Last night while Eric and I were talking, we realized we still have a lot to do and we're running out of time! My morning will be spent making phone calls... making sure we're still on schedule, trying to reserve a mover, talking with the lawyer about closings, getting in last minute papers, buying a refrigerator.... Oh, did you know that when your company is sold half way through the year, your paycheck no longer reflects your entire years earnings? I guess I hadn't really noticed. Well, the bank did and they are requiring an explanation. At least it's an easy one.

In other news, Alex is loving camp this week. He's at a "College for Kids" day camp at a local community college. His 2 favorite classes are "Video Game Evolution" (he almost won the Pong tournament!) and "Flag Football". He's having fun, making new friends and realizing how lucky he is that he has a Wii and not an Atari 2400. (Although I sure have fond memories playing Space Invaders on the big console TV...)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Mobile Windshield

About 2 months ago, or perhaps longer, my windshield was struck by a flying rock on the highway on my way to work. It landed below my windshield wiper. I didn't know this until a few days later when a crack started appearing above the wiper. And it continued to the almost the edge of the windshield. Then a few days later another crack appeared, coming from the other side of the initial rock impact. And it started going towards the right, and almost made it to the other side, but then headed up. It's quite a site. My line of vision is still clear, otherwise I might have been in a rush to get it replaced.

Thankfully, my insurance covers a new windshield 100%. I called my insurance company a couple of weeks ago and they recommended a "Mobile Windshield" company. They come to me with a new windshield (which took a week and a half to get here) and replace it on the spot. I don't even have to go anywhere and leave the car. So today is finally the day! I'm very excited to have a nice new windshield again. I even have a new registration sticker waiting to apply to the windshield. I just hope it doesn't rain while he's replacing it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Walk This Way

It was such a beautiful day today, Jenny and I took several walks.
Here are a few photos from one of the walks.

Jenny always takes the lead.

Jenny always has to sniff every mailbox post along the way.

Why are dogs so drawn to fire hydrants??

One of my neighbors had beautiful flowers in bloom.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cloverfield and a Birthday Party

Eric and I finally saw "Cloverfield" today. All I knew about the movie was the it made a lot of people sick in the theatre. That and there was a monster in NYC. I can definitely see how it made people sick, even on the small screen it was difficult to watch sometimes. The "handy-cam" effect for 2 hours is a lot to ask of an audience, but I think it worked. It was a neat concept and I hate to say it, I think I liked the movie! Not sure why it was called Cloverfield though... I think I'll go to the movie website and learn more about it.

Before we watched the movie, Eric and I attended a birthday party for his um, Grand-daughter. Well, technically (biologically) he's not really a grand-father. (Thankfully, because I am REALLY not old enough to be a step-grandma!!) Eric's ex-wife had a daughter when she was much, much younger, waaaayyy before she ever knew Eric. And that daughter has daughter of her own now. And since there was never a "father" in the picture, Eric became the father when he was married to his ex-wife, and then of course, the grandfather. Anyway, the grand-daughter turned 7 today. And we attended her birthday party. She's a cute girl and loves the Jonas Brothers. So she had a Jonas Brothers cake and theme for her party. Here she is opening gifts:

And here's a picture of me and Eric. Taken by Eric, of course!

A Day at the Golf Course

Look at that form! Hey, no laughing!! Yesterday we took to the golf course... well, the mini-golf course. And the driving range. I think we need a lot more practice before we attempt a real golf course. Although driving around in a golf cart would be fun. Maybe we should find a small out-of-the-way course to attempt a first round. One that has no people to laugh at us.

It was a fun afternoon though. Eric won the mini-golf event. Then we broke for ice cream and with the renewed energy from all the sugar, we hit the driving range. Click here to see photos from the day.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Happy Independence Day! I can't believe it's the 4th of July already. The summer is quickly zooming by. We don't have any major plans for the day. It's gorgeous outside, perfect really. We might go mini-golfing this afternoon and then watch the fireworks tonight. And otherwise, we'll just relax and enjoy the day. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rock Band

Attention friends and family: Alex has discovered "Rock Band". And would like to get it for his birthday. If you could just send Best Buy gift cards, that would be greeaaattt. Thanks.

Seriously though, we been stopping at the new Best Buy every time we go to Wegmans. (Which is conveniently just minutes from our home...) And each time we go, Alex is drawn to the Rock Band display. He loves the drums. And I hate to say, I kinda do too... nothing beats pretending that you're part of Bon Jovi playing "Wanted... Dead or Alive...."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Terrible Tuesday

Yesterday wasn't the best day. Poor Alex has been having "issues" with his stomach. I fear he has inherited my terribly tummy... aka IBS. Stress, fried food, fatty food, soda, junk food... it all triggers upset stomachs. I've learned to live with it for the most part. But Alex is just starting out. We think the hot dog, nachos and french fries at the Paw Sox game put him over the edge Monday night. His stomach was already upset from whatever junk he ate over the weekend (and the added stress of the Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments), so he was living on the edge eating all that fried food at the game.

So yesterday as he rested in bed and watched tv, I did some research. I found a great website all about IBS and what to eat and what to do. And they even have special powders and concoctions you can order to relieve symptoms. I think we'll try altering the diet first before we spend lots of money on "Tummy Fiber" or "Tummy Tea". We made a small list of things and went to Wegmans. I bought him some Peppermint Tea, bananas, ingredients for smoothies, rice and white bread.

I made some delicious smoothies last night. With fresh bananas and strawberries, fat-free vanilla yogurt, some cinnamon and ice. The Magic Bullet whips up a great smoothie! And we each get our own cup, so we can make it just the way we like it.

I'm hoping his stomach has settled down so we can enjoy the rest of the vacation. Yesterday I was able to clean the garage out more and get ready for garbage day. So at least I was still productive. I'm thinking the Arby's lunch is out this week, but I'm hoping that we'll still be able to go to Nothing But Noodles... pasta is a good soluble fiber food and is on the "good" list.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

More from the Stay-cation

Scooch watching the Paw Sox Game.

Alex and I had a busy and productive day yesterday. First thing I did was get a much needed hair cut. Then I got busy in the garage, cleaning up from the yard sale. I piled boxes in the car to take to the Rescue Mission and I packed more Hefty bags full of garbage. (I can't wait for garbage day tomorrow!) Alex slept in, but after he woke up, he went with me to drop off the Rescue Mission stuff. We took lots of bottles and cans to Wegmans too. I let him keep the proceeds. Then we went to the video store to rent some movies. There's a new video store in the area (Blockbuster closed...) so we tried the new place out. Kids get a free rental for every "A" they get on their report card. So he got coupons for 5 free movie rentals. (You can only use one at a time.) That was very nice, plus for the first 30 days, you get 50% off movie rentals. Oh and kids movie rentals are free with every regular movie rental. So we rented 5 movies yesterday and it cost me 54 cents. Finally, something is cheap out there!

So we went home to watch movies. I watched "27 Dresses" and he watched a Yu-Gi-Oh movie... then at 6:15, we headed over to the Chiefs/Paw Sox game. Alex brought a friend from the neighborhood since I had some extra tickets.

The game was great. Clay Buchholz pitched for the Paw Sox, which was a nice surprise. Mike Timlin even came in for an inning in the 6th. Another nice surprise! Jed Lowrie was at shortstop too. (Lowrie is #3 in the photo above. Buchholz is on the mound.) They played very well despite the horrible conditions.

Around the 3rd inning, the dark clouds rolled in and it started to rain. And it never really stopped. We moved back to a covered section. The photo above shows where we were... the section with all the umbrellas. I was surprised they finished the game. At one point, one of the Chiefs batters lost his grip on the bat when he swung and it flew into the stands. Kind of scary. But nobody was hurt thankfully.

Mike Timlin on the mound in this photo. I would have gotten a closer shot, but I didn't want to get wet, it was pouring rain! The Paw Sox won the game 5-2.