Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What a Gas

I left my house a little bit early this morning to go to work. I needed gas, I had less than a quarter tank and it was "Cheap Tuesday" at the Fastrack. So I figured I'd dart into the gas station on my way and be done with it. Well... things rarely go as planned in my world. Or so it seems. I get to the Fastrack and un-do my gas tank and cover. Then I turn around to slide my debit card in. Only to watch the "See attendant" words flashing in my face. Now I'm positive I had enough to cover a mere tank of gas in my checking account, but maybe something was wrong with the card. So I tried my credit card. Nope. "See attendant" flashing again. Ok... so it wasn't me or my faulty credit/debit cards. (Which there really was no way it could have been other than a bank error.) So I glance inside the store and see about 15 people in line. I only left a little early, not a lot, so there was no way I would have time to stand in that line and still be on-time for work. So I put my cards away and drove off, very irritated. With an almost-empty gas tank. About a mile down the road I look out at my side window and notice the gas tank cover flapping in the wind..... with nowhere for me to pull over to close it. I drove all the way to work, down the interstate, 15miles... with my gas tank cover flipping and flapping around....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a crappy start to the morning!