Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things I Hate.

I read an "I hate..." blog this morning and it got me thinking about all the things that I hate, or strongly dislike. Since, as the Blogger stated "Hate is a strong word." I've never done an "I hate..." blog. Sure, I've had complaints, but I've never made outright lists of things that I hate. So I thought today I would try it! If you keep a blog, try it, maybe it will be therapeutic. Or if nothing else, maybe it will be slightly amusing for our readers.

1. Even though I love Fall, I hate that it's getting colder and darker. And I hate winter, so just knowing that winter is right around the corner makes me very sad. (Hey, that's 3 hates in one! I think I might be a little too good at this.)

2. I hate the Yankees. (That doesn't need any explanation.)

3. I hate money. Well, I love money, but I hate worrying about money, not having enough of it and all the stress that comes with it.

4. I hate taxes. And boy, in NY state, we sure have our share of them. I won't get into it, but I seriously want to know where all of my money is really going. I would like someone to send me an itemized list, because I'm pretty sure I could do a better job at dispersing it. And it doesn't include putting up over-paid politicians in fancy hotels or paying for someone's steak and seafood dinner who didn't even invite me to join them. (In case you were wondering, that's apparently where our cell phone's 9-1-1 tax is going...) I won't even get into the missing $24 million from our town's school tax. And why are we not getting a refund/credit from that??

5. I hate aggressive/mean drivers. You know who you are. You're the one who's always in a hurry, the one who thinks they own the road, the one who's driving that gigantic SUV, wasting all that gas... and for what? No reason. At least not a very good reason.

6. Speaking of gas. I hate that too. At least the price of it and how it's regulated. Why did our gas prices just go up again when the price of oil went way down? When this whole time they've been saying it's been going up because the price of oil went up. Something is not right here. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to figure that out. How many billions of dollars did all the oil companies make in profits this year? Hmm. Yeah, something is fishy there.

7. And finally, I hate the all the stores already have all their Christmas displays/decorations up.  It's only September!! I refuse to buy anything Christmas related until Thanksgiving is over.

There. That's it! I'm sure there's more, but boy, it's kind of depressing thinking so negatively! Tomorrow I will post a list of things I love.


rb said...

ruh row.. i'm #5. :) hee hee.. i used to write a lot of hate lists and it actually indirectly got me in trouble at one of my jobs.. i've not been compelled to write a hate list in a while... i think since i read the secret i feel its not necessary anymore to dwell on hate.. but maybe i coudl scrounge up a list, cause i'm a great hater.

Amanda said...

You're not a #5! You drive a nice fuel efficient vehicle. And I've never seen you drive aggressively. You might drive fast sometimes, but not aggressively. At least not when I'm in the car! :)

elle m kay said...

you should see her drive in Boston!

Amanda said...

Maybe she's just being a defensive driver in Boston... there's some crazy traffic there!

rb said...

my driving philosophy is "drive agressively...there are enough passive drivers that will get out of your way." :)

Beth in NEPA said...

I can remember when you were quite the "leadfoot"