Monday, September 22, 2008

Broken Streaks and Baseball Stadiums

Today was a sad day for Alex. His 3 straight years of perfect attendance was broken. He came down with a miserable cold over the weekend and this morning he was in no condition to go to school. So he stayed home. It was a nice streak while it lasted.

In sports news, I think I should mention something about Yankee Stadium. I'm tired of hearing about it and I don't care that they're building a brand-new multi-billion dollar stadium right next to the already gigantic stadium that was perfectly fine. And if there was so much history with the stadium, why tear it down? Why not fix it up if it was so bad? That's one of the problems with this country, we always have to have bigger and better and newer and more expensive. And for what? To watch a baseball game? It's a foolish waste of money. I will share this though. Amy sent me the link today. It's the only story about the stadium that I enjoyed.


elle m kay said...

the problem is not with america... it's those damn yankee fans! you don't see us tearing down fenway and talk about a fixer-upper! :)

Amanda said...

Excellent point, LK! We appreciate all the history in our ballpark and wouldn't dare tear it down!