Monday, September 29, 2008

Chock Full O' Nuts

I'm getting really frustrated that the price of everything is just going up and up and up. My latest frustration is with coffee. Not even a year ago, my favorite coffee, 8 O'Clock brand Hazelnut Coffee was only $2.49 a bag. This past weekend it was up to $4.79 a bag. That is a huge increase and I refuse to pay that much. So I grabbed a can (yes, a can) of Maxwell House coffee for $2.49. I've been drinking it every morning and slowly getting used to the plain old coffee taste. I'm not sure if it's the plain coffee taste or if the coffee isn't as good, but it's definitely not the same. But I'll drink it. The effect is the same, it wakes me up and gets me going in the morning. When this runs out, we're going to try Chock Full O' Nuts. It's about the same price as the Maxwell House.

1 comment:

elle m kay said...

If coffee is something you drink every day and you really enjoy that 8 O'Clock brand, I would say that it's a worthwhile investment to pay the extra cost. It's not like buying a cheap pair of socks that you'll only wear once in a while - this is an every day thing! And going to work is hard enough without having to force down a bad cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I say invest in yourself - you deserve it!
