Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Old Friends and Open Houses

I looked at the calendar today and saw that it was September 17th. And for some reason I remembered it was a friends birthday. I hadn't talked to my friend Jen in quite awhile. She and I became friends years ago when I lived in Kentucky. I've been able to visit with her a couple of times since we moved, but it's been awhile now. I think it was in 2003 when we last got together. So anyway, today I emailed her and wished her a Happy Birthday and it sparked a nice email exchange. It was nice to catch up and I hope we don't go so long without talking again!! She also has a nice blog. It's posted on the side of my site under the "Interesting Blog" heading. From her blog you can get to her parenting website as well. It's worth a peek for any parents of younger (or even older) children. Lots of great advice and articles. Happy Birthday, Jen and don't be a stranger!

Tonight was Open House night at Alex's school. Usually Open House means going to the home room, chatting with the teacher, getting a quick lecture about what the year will bring and going home. This year it was different. In Jr. High, they have an 8-class daily schedule. So we followed the schedule, going to each and every class. Getting a 10-minute lecture from each teacher and finding our way through the maze of hallways to the next class. I didn't get home until after 9pm. But it was a good learning experience. It was nice to see what Alex does every day while he's at school. I also broke into his locker and cleaned it for him. It's only been 2 weeks and it was a mess already.

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