Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Miscellaneous Junk

Once again, it's been a few days since I've blogged. Life seems to be racing past me. I think the entire summer is going to go by very quickly, we've got so much going on. Alex will be "graduating" from 6th grade Thursday evening. Well, they call it a moving up ceremony, then they make them go back to school for another week. I don't think they have much work left to do though. They have a bunch of half-days, a field day and some assemblies. I remember the anticipation of summer vacation. I really should have become a teacher! I would love to have summers off...

I do have 2 vacations soon though. But they will be spent having a yard sale, packing and then moving. We had to cancel the much anticipated trip to the Poconos. The house sales were happening quicker than we thought they would and it would have been too stressful to try to do it all. So we had to "sacrifice" the vacation for a beautiful new home.

We're anxiously awaiting the Celtics game. Well, Alex is anxiously awaiting the game. I'm a fan, but not a fanatic. Not like the Red Sox or the Patriots. I like the Celtics, but I've just never been as much of a fan of basketball like I am a fan of baseball & football.

Oh, speaking of baseball, we do have one fun thing planned during our first vacation. The Paw Sox are in town again and I have tickets for that. I hope Kyle Snyder is feeling better. I'd love to see him pitch this time! Or maybe one of the Red Sox guys will be rehabbing. That would be fun too. We saw Curt Schilling pitch twice a couple of summers ago, I'd never seen the ol' ballpark that crowded before! It was great! Well, except for the annoying Yankee fans that kept saying the Red Sox sucked. (Yes, I know this is NY, but the Chiefs are a Toronto affiliate, not a Yankee affiliate, so I don't get the connection.... but whatever. It just proves how annoying those Yankee fans are!)

Well, it's 8:30... pre-game is on. Go Celtics!

1 comment:

Beth in NEPA said...

Celtics 131
LA 92

I still remember the 1986 games!
We were sitting in the family room in Maine watching them win!

I didn't stay up for this one... only watched the first half.

And the Sox won too... how sweet it is.