I'll start with some good news. I sold my house! It was final on Tuesday when the house passed inspection and they signed the commitment letter. On Wednesday, we bought a house! (Pending the home inspection on Sunday.) Here's a photo of our new place. It's got everything we wanted and more. And it's in a terrific neighborhood. The kids will be very happy there, as will we.

However, as all of this excitement was going on in my personal life, my work life seemed to be going in a very different direction. Our company was sold back in March and we knew changes would be coming. But it's still hard when the time arrives and the changes are announced. Or at least whispered in secrecy through the hallways. There was no announcement. Only speculation and rumor. Then little by little, we learned what was happening. This week, my company started offering buy-outs to employees. Today we say goodbye to 11 good people. One of whom has been here longer than I've been alive. It is especially hard to say goodbye to some of them because we have become such good friends. Things will not be the same without them. And with their departure, those of us left behind wonder what will be next for our company. Hoping for the best.
1 comment:
i'm very excited for you! i can't wait for the housewarming party.
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