Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mergers & Acquisitions

I would like to apologize to all my very loyal and patient blog readers. I'm sorry it's been over 2 weeks since I last posted. It's been a whirl-wind full of fun, excitement, anxiety, and chaos. Mostly just exciting though. 

I sold my townhouse, then Eric & I bought our house. Then we moved in. Then we got married. Yep... we got married!!  It was a fun ceremony downtown at the courthouse. We had a couple of family members and a dear friend join us. After the ceremony we went out to lunch and celebrated. Then went back home to face a house full of boxes.

We are still in the midst of unpacking, but it is mostly done now. I've even started painting. Plus we have a few "home-improvement" projects on our list too. The first of which is getting rid of the Woodpecker and the damage he has done to the siding of our house. The very first morning in our new home we were rudely awakened by this little monster pecking at our house. Jenny of course alerted us to the noise at 6am. Eric has been on the roof several times with Bee Killer to get rid of an infestation of carpenter bees... most likely the reason the Woodpecker is there. The bees are gone, but the Woodpecker continues to peck. Eric got some wood filler to fill the holes, and hopefully that will discourage Mr. Woodpecker from doing any more damage.

I've taken some photos of the past week or so and put them into an album. I'll try to get more current photos of the inside of the house soon. Click here to see the photos.  We still don't have internet access at home. Well, anything that is reliable and fast. Verizon is not being very nice. We were supposed to have it by 8/8, but it's still not there. Go figure. I think I need to make some phone calls... 


Anonymous said...

Jerks! Doesn't Verizon know we depend on your blog updates?? Congratulations again!

elle m kay said...

I love your photos of your major life changes! You look very pretty in your daisy dress! I also thought it was cute that Eric and Kelsey have the same almost the same facial expressions in the Wedding Portrait. Congratulations on everything!

Anonymous said...

Amanda Congrats on the new house and the wedding! :) Hope