Friday, August 22, 2008

We Have Internet!

Finally! We have internet access of our very own. We broke down and got Time Warner Road Runner. And we're all up and running. So you can expect more blogging now. I know you will all be thrilled.

On the home improvement front, we got our driveway sealed. Here's a nice photo of our house with its new driveway. Notice the tree to the right of the house... it seems to already be turning into fall colors. (Also notice the amount of trees around the house and be thinking of us come the end of fall and all those leaves are all over the ground needing to be raked!!)

We did finally finish unpacking. The house looks like a home now. Here are a few photos of the living room/dining room area.

Still up on the home improvement list... getting rid of the woodpecker, staining the deck and painting every room in the house. Anyone want to help??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the house! I love painting, too, but that's an awfully long ride...