I knew yesterday that today was going to be my "irritable" day. I warned Eric. I apologized early even. And boy, this was definitely my most irritable day by far.
It began with the simple fact that it was Monday. And Jenny woke me far too early. Then it went fell apart from there. We have been without
internet at home since we got here. Which is going to be 3 weeks ago tomorrow. We've been "borrowing" wireless
internet, but that's spotty and slow. And yesterday it was gone completely. (At the moment it's back, but for how long, I don't know...)
So I called Verizon this morning. Our
DSL line was supposed to be transferred with our phone line from my old house. The phone was transferred on July 30
th. The
DSL was not. After many phone calls and annoying conversations with foreign representatives from various nations, we got a set-up date for 8/8/08. Which came and went. We received a phone call saying there had been a delay. But no reason for such a thing. I called last night and was told it was successfully installed. However, there was still nothing.
After 90 minutes on the phone this morning with more foreign representatives and over-modulated on-hold music, I was told that our house was not equipped for
DSL and that it never would be. Well, that sent me through the roof, as if I wasn't there already. I think a few of the foreign representatives learned a few new words today.
So after arguing with Verizon people and then having a stressful day at work (the State Fair starts in 2 days..), all I wanted to do was go home to my wonderful new home and have a nice evening with my husband. When I got there however, I was met with an immediate question. My new step-daughter wanted to have a weeknight sleep-over with 2 friends tomorrow evening. 2 people I have never met. 2 people that Eric has never met and knows very little about. My answer was no. And not only was it a no then, but 2 weeks earlier I had mentioned to them that I will not agree to a weekday sleepover. Weekends? Sure. But not during the week. I have to get up early and go to work during the week. I'm just not comfortable with that scenario. Maybe I will feel differently in a year or so when we're all more comfortable with each other and living together, but not now. So it should have ended with my initial no and never been brought up again. But it was. And it was apparently all on my shoulders. So I became the evil step-monster tonight. And the night just went downhill from there.
Maybe I should just go take 2 aspirin and call it a night...