Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Snow, Cherry Trees and Aircraft Carriers

It snowed this morning. Tomorrow is the first of May! That's crazy. It was freezing out too. Thankfully it didn't snow for very long and it didn't stick to the nice green grass, but it's still pretty chilly. I think tomorrow it might be warmer. In the 50s anyway. I hope it gets a lot warmer by Saturday, we have tickets to a Pawtucket Red Sox game! (They're coming to Syracuse.)

This is a picture of the cherry tree in my front yard. Everything is in bloom and very confused! I don't think it was in bloom this early last year... The lawn needs mowing again too. I hope it warms up!

And this is what I've been doing for the last 3 nights. Watching this great documentary on PBS. "Carrier" is a 10-hour, 5 day event. I'm hooked. My dad served on 2 aircraft carriers in his Naval career (the USS Intrepid and the USS Kennedy), so I was very curious about what life was like on an aircraft carrier. This documentary was filmed aboard the USS Nimitz during a 6-month period in 2005. They served in the Persian Gulf and gave air support (ie: bombs) to the ground troops in Iraq. It's quite an eye-opening film and I recommend it to all. It's on for 2 more nights. And I hear it might be re-run in July.

1 comment:

Beth in NEPA said...

Your father was also on the USS Ticonderoga.... but it was well before your time......... I didn't even know him then....

Snow.... yuk... you would think you were still in Maine...