Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fabulous Fall

I woke up very early this morning, not on purpose, I just happen to get up early these days. I was showered and ready to go by 8am. I sat at the computer, drank my coffee, surfed for a bit and plotted my activities for the day. I was in the mood to go to the Christmas Tree Shop. So I looked on their website and discovered they opened at 9 am. Perfect! A quick trip through the drive-through of Dunkin Donuts on my way there and I was standing tall as they opened the doors. I've never been there so early! It was strange. The cashiers were having a "daily meeting". There were a few people that were waiting there with me, we grabbed our carts and headed off to shopping bliss... I was looking for some Fall decorations. I've been inspired to decorate. My next door neighbor is big into decorating, so she's been inspiring me. I have to keep up with the Jones'! I didn't actually get all that much, a few items that I couldn't live without of course. A basket, some fall leaves, a few plastic pumpkins. That was about it. I headed for the registers and was out of there by 9:30. (On a side note, there were shelves already full of Christmas decorations... Huh??)

On my way home, I stopped at Hafner's Nursery. Which is a wonderful gardening center. I picked up several beautiful Mums, a couple of nice carving pumpkins and some other items. I also stopped at JoAnn's and picked up a few more things. They were having a nice 40% off sale. I headed home after JoAnn's with my car full of Fall...

Upon returning home, I cleaned out the garage, emptied the car and mowed the lawn. I was then ready to decorate the outside of my home. It took several hours, but I am pleased with the results. The flower boxes are over-flowing with fall colors, the scarecrow is standing proud, the mums are looking fabulous inter-mixed with the pumpkins...

After decorating, I made a giant batch of apple crisp. I'm officially ready for fall.

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